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Anchor 3

Shit Rat Logo tee, screen printed on Gildan heavy cotton shirt

Shoshin character rat tee, screen printed onto Gildan heavy cotton shirt

Epiphanies And Wastelands | 2015
Our new album 'Epiphanies and Wastelands' is OUT NOW and available to purchase at all good retailers.
Get your copy by clicking the Amazon, iTunes and Saturn links.
1) Same To Me
2) All For U.S
3) Glass, Brick And Stone
4) Plan C
5) Mud In Your Eye
6) Janine
7) New Day
8) Leech
9) Linoleum
10) Rule Of Thumb
11) Face It

Anchor 5
Deep Sleprivation | 2012

We spent summer 2012 in NYC, working with producer Joel Hamilton and recording our official debut Deep Sleprivation. Buy your physical or digital copy now.
1) Big Bang
2) Levity
3) Litterbug
4) English Rainstorms
5) The Rant
6) Here Comes My Favourite
7) Higher
8) Through The Leaves
9) Surrounded

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