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Mit unangemeldeten Straẞengigs und selbstgebrannten CDs haben sich Shoshin in ganz Europa treue Fans erspielt, aber auch eine Menge  Ärger eingehandelt.


“Natürlich vermisst man manchmal die Spontaneität und Aufregung illegaler Gigs”, erklärt Sänger Pete Haley die Unterschiede zwischen den Konzerten an irgendeiner Straßenecke und der ersten echten Tour durch Deutschland. Aber häufig endeten diese Gigs auch mit wütenden Manchester auf diese Weise jahrelang durch Europa und finanzierte sich jeden Tropfen Benzin für den Van und jede Konservendose mit dem Verkauf selbstgebrannter CDs ihres Debütalbums Deep Sleprivation - mit beeindruckendem Erfolg. Wir sind rund 18.000 Kopien losgeworden, so Haley stolz. Wobei uns auch wirklich viele geklaut wurden. Der Nachfolger Epiphanies And Wastelands wirkt nicht nur dank Label und Vertrieb im Rücken professioneller, auch der Sound erinnert nicht mehr an eine Straßenband, sondern durch den Crossover von Sprechgesang und rhythmischem Rock in den funkigeren Momenten an die Red Hot Chili Peppers, in den politischeren wie Same To Me an Rage Against The Machine. Das Lebensgefühl von Shoshin bringt aber ausgerechnet der einzige Coversong des Albums auf den Punkt, nämlich der NoFX-Klassiker Linoleum. Dazu Haley: “Eigentlich hätten wir diesen Song schreiben müssen. Wir spielen auf der Straße, wir werden verhaftet, wir schlafen auf dem Boden. Wir haben sogar genau wie im Song einen Hund namens Bob, der auf unseren Boden pisst!” - Daniel Welsch


Distorted Sound Magazine 


"This is an album that’s been crafted with care, there’s no doubt about that.  The mix is rich and even, which with producer Chris Sheldon on board (FOO FIGHTERS, PIXIES, RADIOHEAD), is to be expected. The talent of the trio really shines through; lyrically there is a step up from the first album, with the same heart and drive, but with the past few years clearly showing a shift up in gear in this new material."


Get Your Rock Out


"Few things are more exciting than discovering a band that, from out of nowhere, crash lands right in that elite group marked “favourites”. For me, the band that has left the biggest impression over the past few years is Shoshin. It’s brilliant to hear a band that unequivocally believe in every note and beat that they produce. There’s no pretence and no flabby over-complication; it’s simply music produced to reflect what the band want to say."


Mind Noise Network - 


"Another genre has arisen and it seems that Shoshin are doing their best to make it their own. That talent is on show throughout this album, whether it's the laid back Glass Brick And Stone or the more in your face All For Us, you can tell that care has been taken over this release to ensure it's right, but not overproduced and plastic. It's a fine line that Shoshin have gotten perfect here. If their live performances are as powerful as this album is, these guys will be shooting into the public eye very soon."


Insight Reviews -  


"It’s a rarity to find a band that pride themselves in variety. Many are comfortable in producing one distinctive sound, yet Shoshin’s sophomore album ‘Epiphanies and Wastelands’ excels in its musicianship and ability to replicate the highs of many genres. ‘Epiphanies and Wastelands’ is triumphant in displaying the band’s immeasurable prowess, with punk energy condensed alongside rock guitars and rap vocals in creating an album a masterful record."



Musikblog (DE) - 


"Their new studio album 'Epiphanies And Wastelands' proves in an impressive manner, that there is no expiration date for good music. What fits, fits. And on 'Epiphanies And Wastelands' what fits is good. Somewhere between rock, pop, hip-hop and punk Shoshin find a niche in which it can sometimes be difficult to crack (Janine, Linoleum). Crossover is dead? Don't make me laugh!"


Neon-Ghosts (DE) - 


"Lyrically, the plate is versatile: Serious, meaningful pieces (against racism and warmongering), opposite less-serious tones throughout. Overall, very varied and an enrichment for every record collection."


Noizze - 


"Manchester guerrilla rock trio Shoshin return with their second full studio album titled 'Epiphanies and Wastelands' and it doesn’t disappoint. Its 11 tracks are packed full of groove and incorporate many different styles from punk and rock to reggae and urban. Something a lot of bands try to do and get wrong, Shoshin do this very well."


RamTatTa (DE) - 


"The music holds a basic suspense - from reggae to pop, it never gets tiring. Yes, it's radio friendly, and SHOSHIN even manages to pull-off a song by NOFX in their own unique take, without losing clout. An interesting balancing act that I can recommend to anyone!"


Absolute Music Press - 


"The track ‘All For Us’ is the perfect combination of interesting vocals, soothing melodies and rock music and manages to draw the listener into the strange, fresh sound that is hard to find elsewhere. The album is raw and intense giving new listeners an amazing insight into the exotic world of Shoshin and old listeners a chance to sink back into the sounds that are unique to the band."


Handwritten-Mag (DE) - 


"I'm not lying when I say that Shoshin have the most energy and enthusiasm within their music - it's a very very long time since i've heard such fresh and crazy music! I find it hard to choose one song as a highlight, as the album rockets song after song . I predict Shoshin will have a great career!"


Subtext (AT), Supporting Two Gallants in Linz - 


"The trio from Manchester was one of the major support surprises that you probably could see all year. A mixture of punk and alternative rock -pleasant to experiment, and a good example of that genre crossovers can also work very well."


Waste Of Mind Punk Fanzine (DE) - 


"Shoshin somehow jumps between RATM, Papa Roach, Finch and Biffy Clyro back and forth, but their songs still sound coherent and intrinsical. Epiphanies And Wastelands is certainly not a simple album - it's rich in content and the record really grows with every listen."


GavGothic - 


"The album starts off with “Same To Me” and it’s an unexpected combination of political, rap-inspired lyrics and alt. rock, which when coupled with “All For U.S.” with its light touch of reggae entwined through the songs structure too, musically finds the band somewhere between the likes of P.O.D and THE POLICE. The music industry might be a bit of a wasteland itself, but it’s artists such as this Shoshin that inspire hope for any struggling acts around the UK…let’s cherish them."





Pedal To The Metal DE dedicate a whole hour to listen to Epiphanies and Wastelands -


'Plan C' featured on the Indie-Stry podcast -

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